Monday, June 11

apple & instagram - we love you!

we love our new iphones & instagram photo app! it frames our work in a whole new light & love the aged-photo effects that enhance our look completely. we've been dragging our feet a little about new technology, but now we're very okay with it. we can use our beautifully-designed apple devices to swipe credit cards & take amazing photos with the new instagram camera. what more do you want?


  1. I don't have an apple phone but I love that you have one now and your photos are fab! I love my windows Lumia phone but must admit that it does not take the best of photos in my hands. I have a tremor. And you can't get instagram. It looks like things are doing well!!! Congrats! Hey, did you see that my blog got a blurp in our local paper? I am so proud!

    1. well you can always use a regular ol' camera too! i checked out your blog. very nice! i will continue to visit to gather fresh ideas. thanks for following ours too :)

  2. Wow, these photos are fabulous!! I love the aged look, goes perfect with the antique containers you use.

    1. thank you!! i am very, very excited too :)
